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Image by Ilya Pavlov

About Us

Founded in 2018, Fuzion Insurance is a Perth-based insurance brokerage specialising in Personal Risk Insurance.

“We noticed a gap in the market for clients that want insurance without the hassle of a full-service financial planner. Passionate about addressing Australia’s underinsurance problem, I set out to build a business that can truly help people to live their best life even if the unthinkable happens.”
- Nick Harper, Director

Image by Helena Lopes

Fuzion entered the market, aware of the big insurance companies already succeeding, with the core purpose to bring people a personalised service to protect the quality of lives. We wanted to achieve this with insurance policies that meet the needs of everyday Australians and offer peace of mind at a reasonable price. Recognising that there is no such thing as an average person, we help our clients customise their cover to suit their specific needs and budget.

Customer Testimonials

White Sands
Paul, WA

The process was simple and easy. It didn’t take long to have the cover put in place. Thanks!!


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